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木村拓哉所主演的《Grand Maison 東京》除了廚師們對於美食的執著熱血令人感動,劇中細膩刻畫米芝蓮星級餐廳食材、技術、服務該有的規格,包括餐酒搭配也不馬虎,甚至在第9集,讓日本產的白葡萄酒作為主角,劇組的確開拔到日本葡萄酒廠拍攝,從畫面分析實地拍攝的地理位置,能清楚看到富士山,微紫帶粉色的葡萄正是日本國產品種「甲州」(Koshu)葡萄的特色,且從角色台詞得知「擁有日本最長日照時間、雨量偏少排水良好、使用堆高土層距地面60公分的高畝式栽培。」答案呼之欲出,就是位於日本山梨縣的葛蕾絲酒莊(Grace Wine)。


Gris de 甲州 

這葡萄酒誕生於1999年,當時第四代莊主對阿爾薩斯灰皮諾的潛力著迷。 ”Gris de”的名稱,是由法語"Gris”,亦即是帯粉紅的淺灰色的意思,表示甲州果皮的顏色,和”de”,即是”的”(...)而來。 Gris de甲州是看準未來釀造的葡萄酒,盼望有一天理所當然地日本的葡萄酒會排在餐桌上。不僅在家庭裡,而且在許多的餐館中備受使用,並且已經成為最充分展現甲州特色的葡萄酒之一。這酒在紀念東京工業大學名譽教授大隅良典獲得諾貝爾生理學・醫學獎而在慶典上備受使用。




Gris de Koshu 

Inspired by the potential of Pinot Gris when visiting Alsace, our 4th generation owner started making the first vintage of this wine in 1999. The name 'Gris de' is derived from 'Gris', which stands for the colour of the Koshu's skins, and 'de' which means "of".
We started making the wine with an eye on the future, that one day Japanese wines will be part of our dining culture, and our wines will accompany not just dining tables at home, but also in restaurants throughout the country, as a wine that is best in bringing out the characteristics of Koshu.
Gris de Koshu was also the label served at the celebration party to commemorate the Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine, Yoshinori Osumi, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology.


Clear and faultless. Fresh with an overflow of fruity aromas such as white peach, pear, orange and orange peel, floral notes of sandalwood and jasmine, and spicy aromas of white pepper and clove. On the palate, smooth and round, with refreshing acidity and umami.

白酒 Grace Wine グリド甲州 White Wine Gris de Koshu

HK$320.00 一般價格

15% Off 6 Bottles

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